Assets and Incomes
The Assets and Incomes chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey runs to 50 pages and provides up-to-date information on earnings, expenditure, savings, investment, ownership, and poverty patterns in South Africa. The data is broken down by race, age, province, sector, occupation, and income bracket. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Assets and Incomes chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey runs to 50 pages and provides up-to-date information on earnings, expenditure, savings, investment, ownership, and poverty patterns in South Africa. The data is broken down by race, age, province, sector, occupation, and income bracket.
Business and Infrastructure
The Business and Infrastructure chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 66pages detailing South Africa’s business environment and its structure. International indices are covered extensively to track South Africa’s global competitiveness. The infrastructure component of the chapter looks at the state of physical infrastructure in South Africa and what projects are underway to improve it. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Business and Infrastructure chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 66pages detailing South Africa’s business environment and its structure. International indices are covered extensively to track South Africa’s global competitiveness. The infrastructure component of the chapter looks at the state of physical infrastructure in South Africa and what projects are underway to improve it.
The Communications chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 36 pages of data about the means of communication used by households and individuals. An overview of access to telecommunications such as telephones, cellphones, postal services, and the Internet is given. Access to different modes of transport is also included. Additions include data on the numbers of radio listeners, television viewers, and newspaper readers. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Communications chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 36 pages of data about the means of communication used by households and individuals. An overview of access to telecommunications such as telephones, cellphones, postal services, and the Internet is given. Access to different modes of transport is also included. Additions include data on the numbers of radio listeners, television viewers, and newspaper readers.
Crime and Security
The Crime and Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 106 pages on all aspects of the criminal justice system – the South African Police Service (SAPS), the courts, and prisons – as well as defence and private security. As with preceding years, the official 20 most serious crimes are documented, while provincial breakdowns of selected crimes follow later in the chapter. The section on the SAPS includes murders of police officials, violence and crime by the police, and skills shortages within the service. Xenophobic attacks have been included too. Additions include an expanded section on corruption and fraud, deaths in initiation schools, crimes involving sex, crime on the roads, and political violence. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Crime and Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 106 pages on all aspects of the criminal justice system – the South African Police Service (SAPS), the courts, and prisons – as well as defence and private security. As with preceding years, the official 20 most serious crimes are documented, while provincial breakdowns of selected crimes follow later in the chapter. The section on the SAPS includes murders of police officials, violence and crime by the police, and skills shortages within the service. Xenophobic attacks have been included too. Additions include an expanded section on corruption and fraud, deaths in initiation schools, crimes involving sex, crime on the roads, and political violence.
In 78 pages, the Demographics chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey illustrates the structure of South Africa’s population by race, sex, age, location, living arrangements, religion, and language. The data shows past, current, and future trends, tracking various aspects of the human journey between birth and death. International comparisons are also included. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
In 78 pages, the Demographics chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey illustrates the structure of South Africa’s population by race, sex, age, location, living arrangements, religion, and language. The data shows past, current, and future trends, tracking various aspects of the human journey between birth and death. International comparisons are also included.
The Economy chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 92 pages of data on all aspects of the South African economy plus a number of comparisons with selected countries across the globe. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Economy chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 92 pages of data on all aspects of the South African economy plus a number of comparisons with selected countries across the globe.
The Education chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 112 pages that provide an in-depth look at South Africa’s education system at all levels, ranging from preschool to tertiary. The detailed sub-sections provide a comprehensive picture of the resources in schools, as well as examination results and outputs. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Education chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 112 pages that provide an in-depth look at South Africa’s education system at all levels, ranging from preschool to tertiary. The detailed sub-sections provide a comprehensive picture of the resources in schools, as well as examination results and outputs.
In 76 pages, the Employment chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey tracks South Africa’s labour market and its participants. It includes data on employment, unemployment, employment equity, labour shortages, and job creation. Indicators show trends over the last decade and are broken down by race, sex, province, and industry. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
In 76 pages, the Employment chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey tracks South Africa’s labour market and its participants. It includes data on employment, unemployment, employment equity, labour shortages, and job creation. Indicators show trends over the last decade and are broken down by race, sex, province, and industry.
The Health chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 59 pages of data on South Africa’s health system and is divided into three main sections: the health resources and services section includes figures on expenditure, structure of responsibility, regulatory bodies, medical personnel, and health facilities; the health indicators section includes data on mortality, nutrition, and diseases; and the HIV and AIDS section looks at infection and prevalence rates, treatment and prevention, as well as deaths. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Health chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 59 pages of data on South Africa’s health system and is divided into three main sections: the health resources and services section includes figures on expenditure, structure of responsibility, regulatory bodies, medical personnel, and health facilities; the health indicators section includes data on mortality, nutrition, and diseases; and the HIV and AIDS section looks at infection and prevalence rates, treatment and prevention, as well as deaths.
Industrial Relations
The Industrial Relations chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey focuses in 28 pages on the structure of employment in South Africa, trade union coverage, and wage comparisons across different sectors. Attention is also paid to strike action, its triggers, and duration. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Industrial Relations chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey focuses in 28 pages on the structure of employment in South Africa, trade union coverage, and wage comparisons across different sectors. Attention is also paid to strike action, its triggers, and duration.
Living Conditions
The Living Conditions chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 60 pages tracking the Government’s delivery of basic services such as water, sanitation, electricity, and refuse removal. Access to land and housing is also tracked. The chapter also includes a breakdown of the location of informal settlements, housing shortages, access to affordable housing, and a racial breakdown of the current residents of formerly-white suburbs. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Living Conditions chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 60 pages tracking the Government’s delivery of basic services such as water, sanitation, electricity, and refuse removal. Access to land and housing is also tracked. The chapter also includes a breakdown of the location of informal settlements, housing shortages, access to affordable housing, and a racial breakdown of the current residents of formerly-white suburbs.
Politics and Government
The 48-page Politics and Government chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey provides up-to-date analysis on South Africa’s political landscape. It details party representation at national, provincial, and local levels and provides audit performance data on all three tiers. The chapter also covers issues such as government performance, social cohesion, race relations, and international indices comparing South Africa’s performance on several democracy indicators with the rest of the world. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The 48-page Politics and Government chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey provides up-to-date analysis on South Africa’s political landscape. It details party representation at national, provincial, and local levels and provides audit performance data on all three tiers. The chapter also covers issues such as government performance, social cohesion, race relations, and international indices comparing South Africa’s performance on several democracy indicators with the rest of the world.
Public Finance
The Public Finance chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 46 pages of detailed information on how much the Government receives and from whom, as well as how much it spends and on what. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Public Finance chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 46 pages of detailed information on how much the Government receives and from whom, as well as how much it spends and on what.
Social Security
The Social Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 30 pages detailing social security expenditure and who benefits from it. The chapter covers expenditure, structure of responsibility, personnel and services, social grant beneficiaries, non-profit organisations, unemployment insurance, and workmen’s compensation. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
The Social Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 30 pages detailing social security expenditure and who benefits from it. The chapter covers expenditure, structure of responsibility, personnel and services, social grant beneficiaries, non-profit organisations, unemployment insurance, and workmen’s compensation.