Macro Review
The Macro Review is a monthly report providing insight into the current trends shaping a specific social, environmental, economic, or political risk in South Africa. This report unpacks the numbers to indicate how political risks are evolving, and the way in which this may impact the business environment and social stability in South Africa.
South Africa's Quality of Life
The latest edition of the Macro Review updates the Quality of Life Index (QOLI) developed by the Centre for Risk Analysis (CRA).
Publication description
The report includes a comprehensive analysis of:
- The standard of living in South Africa based on 10 weighted indicators.
- The quality of life across South Africa's nine provinces.
- The quality of life across South Africa's four main racial groups.
South Africa in Brief
The latest edition of the Macro Review from the Centre For Risk Analysis looks at South Africa across a range of political, economic and social indicators.
Publication description
This report looks at:
- SA's population profile and living conditions
- The economy and government finances
- Education and the labour market
- Business and infrastructure indicators
- Health and welfare snippets
- Crime levels and public opinion
Moving people from welfare to work
The latest edition of the Macro Review from the Centre For Risk Analysis provides an overview of South Africa's welfare system.
Publication Description
This report looks at:
- Social grant numbers and recipients
- Welfare distribution trends
- The Social Relief of Distress grant
- Social grant dependency
- Welfare financing
A stitch in time saves nine
The latest edition of the Macro Review from the Centre For Risk Analysis profiles South Africa's nine provinces.
Publication description
The report includes data and analysis of:
- Demographic trends and education outcomes
- The economy and the labour market
- Access to healthcare facilities and social grants
- Income and poverty levels
- Living conditions and crime rates
Investment: Not enough eggs in SA's basket
The latest edition of the Macro Review from the Centre For Risk Analysis presents trends in foreign investment in South Africa and South African investment offshore.
Publication description
The report includes data and analysis of:
- Annual change in Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)
- Public and private investment
- GFCF by economic activity
- Foreign liabilities and assets
- Bonds and equities
Demographics without dividends
The latest edition of the Macro Review from the Centre For Risk Analysis provides an overview of demographic trends in South Africa.
Publication description
This report looks at:
- SA's population profile
- Migration trends
- Youths and the challenges they face