Crime and SecurityThe Crime and Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 106 pages on all aspects of the criminal justice system – the South African Police Service (SAPS), the courts, and prisons – as well as defence and private security. As with preceding years, the official 20 most serious crimes are documented, while provincial breakdowns of selected crimes follow later in the chapter. The section on the SAPS includes murders of police officials, violence and crime by the police, and skills shortages within the service. Xenophobic attacks have been included too. Additions include an expanded section on corruption and fraud, deaths in initiation schools, crimes involving sex, crime on the roads, and political violence. Africa Survey 2016 front cover.jpg
Crime and Security
The Crime and Security chapter of the 2016 South Africa Survey comprises 106 pages on all aspects of the criminal justice system – the South African Police Service (SAPS), the courts, and prisons – as well as defence and private security. As with preceding years, the official 20 most serious crimes are documented, while provincial breakdowns of selected crimes follow later in the chapter. The section on the SAPS includes murders of police officials, violence and crime by the police, and skills shortages within the service. Xenophobic attacks have been included too. Additions include an expanded section on corruption and fraud, deaths in initiation schools, crimes involving sex, crime on the roads, and political violence.