Risk Alert
Risk Alert (Week of 24 Feb 2020)
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International factors include a dramatic slowdown in GDP growth in Japan, and the latest forward guidance by the US Federal Reserve, which indicated that it remains opposed to further rate cuts.
Two international bodies also made pronouncements on SA last week: Moody’s cut SA’s growth outlook from 1.5% to 0.7%; and the IMF, whose chief economist visited the country, dismissed the likelihood of a bailout for SA.
On the domestic political front, Dr Cronje discusses the origins of the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020 and its likely impact.
Risk Alert (Week of 17 Feb 2020)
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Dr Frans Cronje argues that last week’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) failed to put forward a coherent plan to deal with SA’s deep economic problems.
Two such problems include SA’s stubbornly high unemployment and lower manufacturing production output, both of which are discussed here in some detail.
Risk Alert (Week of 10 Feb 2020)
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The proposed break-up of Eskom into multiple parts has been welcomed by many commentators. However, this could precipitate a second wave of state capture.
The global Coronavirus outbreak presents a contagion risk for SA and is something to watch closely.
Risk Alert (Week of 3 Feb 2020)
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