Risk Alert | How accurate are Treasury forecasts?
2 November 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo analyse the growth, debt and deficit projections presented by the Finance Minister at last week’s mini-budget.
2 November 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo analyse the growth, debt and deficit projections presented by the Finance Minister at last week’s mini-budget.
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In the absence of structural reform, what are the risks associated with the government’s current fiscal trajectory?
Cronje and Mahlobo also look abroad to renewed Covid-19 risks in Europe as well as this week’s election in America.
Risk Alert | Who will win the race in America?
26 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo draw on the CRA’s electoral tracker to determine who is most likely to win the US presidential election on 3 November.
26 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo draw on the CRA’s electoral tracker to determine who is most likely to win the US presidential election on 3 November.
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While Mr Biden still appears well ahead in the electoral college vote, several swing states could tip the balance in favour of Mr Trump.
On the domestic front, Cronje and Mahlobo look ahead to this week’s interim budget speech and present the CRA’s growth estimates for the medium term.
Risk Alert | Quackery in the Union Buildings
19 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo highlight how proponents of ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ appear to be influencing the economic policy agenda in the Union Buildings.
19 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo highlight how proponents of ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ appear to be influencing the economic policy agenda in the Union Buildings.
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A slightly reworked Expropriation Bill opens the door to expropriation without compensation across various asset classes, including (but not limited to) land.
The IMF has revised its global growth estimates upwards, while India forges ahead with long-awaited reforms.
Risk Alert | The risk of unemployment
5 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo explore the complicated nature of South Africa’s official unemployment statistics.
5 October 2020 - In this week’s client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo explore the complicated nature of South Africa’s official unemployment statistics.
Publication description
What is the risk of the growing unemployment problem to the ANC government and the country as a whole?
While some moves are being made to assuage public opinion on corruption in the ANC, Cronje and Mahlobo caution against being distracted by what they term ‘political rabbits.’