Risk Alert
Risk Alert | Will SA return to hard lockdowns over the festive season?
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Will SA return to hard lockdowns over the festive season, they ask?
Mahlobo and Babaya also look at the performance of the UK and Eurozone economies following the re-introduction of lockdown restrictions.
Risk Alert | Wage freezes already beginning to thaw
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Are prescribed assets really off the table, or will ‘infrastructure bonds’ be used to plug the government’s expenditure gaps with private savings?
Cronje and Mahlobo also consider whether South Africa may see the reintroduction of hard lockdowns in the near future.
Risk Alert | Violence and anarchy in SA
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Do the police, army and intelligence services have the capacity to counter these multiple threats?
Cronje and Mahlobo also consider the short-term global risk equation going into 2021.
Risk Alert | Austerity or reform?
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As organised business groups lobby for civil service job cuts, will austerity measures strengthen anti-reform and anti-business activists within the Tripartite Alliance?
Cronje and Mahlobo conclude by turning their attention to East Asia, where a new multilateral trade agreement promises to strengthen China’s hand in the region.
Risk Alert | Why Ace Magashule’s arrest won’t stop corruption in the ANC
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Does Mr Magashule’s arrest signal a shift in the ANC’s approach to corruption within the party or will it be business as usual?
Mainstream analyst and media opinion may have misread last week’s by-election results and what these signify for the status of the major parties.
Cronje and Mahlobo also review a number of global flashpoints including nuclear capabilities in Iran, the further capitulation of Hong Kong to Beijing, and tensions within Boris Johnson’s government over a UK-EU Brexit deal.
Risk Alert | Which way will the Rand go?
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What is going on with Covid-19 in Europe and America and what does this mean for the global economy?
As a new era begins in America, how will markets and business react to the new balance of power?