Risk Alert | SA’s shifting paradigms
26 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo assess the sustainability of South Africa as a unitary state.
26 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo assess the sustainability of South Africa as a unitary state.
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As governance continues to deteriorate, what new paradigms might emerge in the future, they ask?
Cronje and Mahlobo also highlight the ongoing risks of Expropriation Without Compensation, the weakness of the state security services, and a potential delay to the local government elections.
Risk Alert | Don't believe the conspiracy theories
19 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo debunk the various conspiracy theories surrounding the causes of last week’s riots and looting.
19 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo debunk the various conspiracy theories surrounding the causes of last week’s riots and looting.
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What were the real reasons for the outbreak of violence, they ask?
Cronje and Mahlobo also offer an analysis of how the crisis will play out over the short-, medium- and long-term.
Risk Alert | Violent protests and anarchy in SA
12 July 2021 - In this special edition Risk Alert, Frans Cronje analyses the wave of violent protests and anarchy currently sweeping through South Africa. Cronje explores the origins of the violence and the state's inability to enforce law and order in the country.
12 July 2021 - In this special edition Risk Alert, Frans Cronje analyses the wave of violent protests and anarchy currently sweeping through South Africa. Cronje explores the origins of the violence and the state's inability to enforce law and order in the country.
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Risk Alert | SA's declining competitiveness
12 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo discuss South Africa’s worsening global competitiveness rankings.
12 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo discuss South Africa’s worsening global competitiveness rankings.
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They argue that this lack of competitiveness is manifested across a variety of key areas, including mining policy and education standards.
Cronje and Mahlobo conclude by providing a short-, medium- and long-term assessment of the global economy and the implications for South Africa.
Risk Alert | The Jacob Zuma factor
5 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje, Bheki Mahlobo and Simpe Jonas discuss the ongoing uncertainty around former President Jacob Zuma’s arrest.
5 July 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje, Bheki Mahlobo and Simpe Jonas discuss the ongoing uncertainty around former President Jacob Zuma’s arrest.
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What risk does this pose to the rule of law in South Africa, they ask?
Cronje, Mahlobo and Jonas also assess the fragile state of South Africa’s economic recovery and look abroad to identify emerging risks in Afghanistan, Iran, China and Taiwan.
Risk Alert | The Delta variant and harsher lockdowns for SA
28 June 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo discuss the new Lockdown restrictions announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night.
28 June 2021 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo discuss the new Lockdown restrictions announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night.
Publication description
How will the highly contagious Delta variant change the trajectory of the pandemic in South Africa, they ask?
Cronje and Mahlobo also explore the small, but growing calls for reform coming from within the ANC.