The REAL state of healthcare

In this week's newsletter from the Centre For Risk Analysis, we look at the current state of healthcare in South Africa.

Video of the week

In this video, the CRA's Deputy Head of Research, Gerbrandt van Heerden, joins Head of Policy Analysis, Chris Hattingh, to discuss how South Africa's healthcare issues render the National Health Insurance (NHI) impractical.

Chart of the week


The above chart shows the proportion of public clinics with ideal status in the country.

Clinics with ideal status have good infrastructure and administrative processes, as well as adequate medicine and supplies.

Only half (55%) of all public clinics in the country are of ideal status.

Standards are even lower in rural provinces, with just 23% of public clinics in the Eastern Cape, 35% in Limpopo and 22% in the Northern Cape having ideal status.

Evidently, many public health establishments do not comply with best practice and clinical management standards, and are therefore not ready to be incorporated into the NHI scheme.

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In the media

Quote of the week

" unity and the interests of powerful players remain of utmost importance in the Ramaphosa presidency — to the ultimate cost of South African citizens and businesses." - Risk Alert (24 April 2023)

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