The National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill will have far-reaching consequences for healthcare funding in South Africa. In this CRA webinar, Mike Settas − Managing Director of Cinagi, a private health insurance provider − discusses the risks associated with the NHI proposal and prospects for its implementation.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has vowed to tackle corruption in the African National Congress (ANC). But does he have the political will and the strength to do so? The President faces a deep dilemma: he must be seen to act, but attempting to defeat corruption could risk tearing the ANC apart. Frans Cronje and Bheki Mahlobo discuss the ANC's corruption dilemma and various scenarios for the party.
The proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) is likely to see a skills exodus from the health sector.
Company liquidations and employee retrenchments are a stark reminder of the extensive and continuing impact on economic activity of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown.
Poor people with little education and no work, and who generally live under difficult conditions, find themselves relying on state support, while being unable to occupy centre stage in public discourse. They are the underclass — often neglected and ‘invisible’ — yet increasingly, they are becoming a potential source of unrest.
Key indicators reveal the impact of South Africa’s economic crisis on the middle class.
South Africa’s intention to expropriate private property without compensation will have damaging effects on the already ailing economy.
The slow crippling of Stats SA through budget cuts and understaffing constitutes more than a threat to one institution. It stands to pull the rug out from under SA’s ability to formulate effective policy