Thuthukani Ndebele

Head of Research

Thuthukani Ndebele, is Head of Research at the Centre For Risk Analysis (CRA). He is responsible for writing and/or editing major CRA publications — such as the flagship annual Socio-Economic Survey of South Africa, monthly, weekly, and occasional reports. Thuthukani also conducts research tasks as requested by CRA clients, with a particular focus on education. Having developed a keen eye for detail over time, he now maintains oversight of the report production process (typesetting), ensuring quality output. Thuthukani holds an Honour’s degree in Migration and Displacement from the University of the Witwatersrand.

[Opinion] The Invisibles: South Africa’s growing underclass
Bheki Mahlobo and Thuthukani Ndebele
03 Sep, 2020

Poor people with little education and no work, and who generally live under difficult conditions, find themselves relying on state support, while being unable to occupy centre stage in public discourse. They are the underclass — often neglected and ‘invisible’ — yet increasingly, they are becoming a potential source of unrest.