Coaching Level 1

The Coaches Level 1 Course is an entry level course to swim coaching.


Candidates must be in possession of a Learn to Swim Instructors certificate. (minimum of 2 years experiance as a LTS Instructor)

Course Enrollment

Candidates must contact the Provincial E&T Coordinator in the area to make an appointment for their course enrollment. Upon enrollment candidates must produce their:

  • Valid First Aid level 1
  • Certified Copy of their ID
  • X1 ID size photo’s (colour)
  • Course Fee R 4000.00
  • Police clearance that is valid at the time of doing the course
  • Candidates must remember that when the first aid certificate is older than a year, it must be accompanied by a valid CPR certificate.

In turn candidates will receive a Course Manual.


3 Day Training program from 08:00 - 16:30.
Consult your Provincial E&T Coordinator for scheduled dates.


Candidates will write a theoretical exam after receiving exam results and have been declared competent they can start logging hours. they will be required to log 20 hrs with a minimum of two accredited and Level 1 coaches (list of mentors will be provided by the affiliate)

A log sheet and lesson plans must be kept and signed off by the mentor after each training session. Logging and assignments must be completed within six months which commences after receiving course results. After logging hours candidate must contact the E&T Coordinator to schedue a date for the practical assessment


The six months timeframe commences on the day that candidates receive their exam results. As soon as cansiadtes have been declared competent (passing the theory exam) they can start logging their 20 hours. The final stage is for candidates to make arrangements with E&T Coordinator for their practical assessment. Failing this, your accreditation is terminated and you will be required to redo the entire course process. No Refunds are awarded after course commencement.

Once all documents are submitted to SSA they will undergo a moderation and verification process which usually takes up to eight weeks.

Validity of certification

  • As soon as candidates receive their certifcates they must registrator with the Provincial Affiliate
  • Validity of accreditation means coaches must submit 15 CPD points annually during registration
  • Not complying with the above will render the certificate invalid


Coaches are required to register with SSA annually, through their Provincial Association.

Module Outline

  1. Life Skills
  2. H.I.V & Aids
  3. Leadership
  4. Relationships between coach, parent and swimmer
  5. SSA Competitions & Criteria for Participation
  6. Introduction to Coaching
  7. Teaching Strokes (4 Fina strokes)
    1. Freestyle
    2. Backstroke
    3. Breaststroke
    4. Butterfly
    5. The Individual Medley
  8. Basic Coaching Principles
    1. Basic Coaching Terminology
    2. Energy System
    3. Season Planning
    4. Coaching Principles for young swimmers