
The Education and Training Unit of Swimming South Africa deals with all matters related to the growth and development of both the teachers and coaches.

The Education and Training manager is the head of the unit and is based at SSA offices. The head of the Education and Training unit works with a committee that comprises of seven volunteer teachers and coaches nominated by their affiliates.

Education and Training focuses on the following core mandate:

  • Verification and Accreditation of teachers and coaches
  • Coordination of workshops and conference
  • Coordination of FINA workshops and courses
  • Allocation of Continuous Professional development (CPD)
  • Coordination of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process

The Provincial Education & Training Coordinator per affiliate coordinates all the above duties and communicates with the SSA Education & Training unit for effective and efficient delivery of the unit’s core mandate.

Below is a list of our contact people per Province that must be contacted to register for courses offered by SSA:

E&T Coordinators Contact List