Partner institutions

The research supporting the development of this Framework was done by the SAVE-UHC Research Team:

logo-priceless.jpgSAMRC/WITS Centre for Health Economics and Decision Science

Karen Hofman*
Aviva Tugendhaft
Sue Goldstein
Atiya Mosam
Ravikanthi Rapiti (former)

logo-stb.jpgStellenbosch University

Nicola Barsdorf*
Debbie Marais
Cynthia Ngwalo
Sunita Potgeiter

logo-cgd.jpgCenter for Global Development

Carleigh Krubiner*

logo-jhb.jpgJohns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics

Ruth Faden*
Maria Merritt
Michael DiStefano

logo-icl.jpgImperial College London

Kalipso Chalkidou* (former)
Ryan Li (former)

*Principal Investigators