Save the Children South Africa Bridging the Gap

JET Education Services (JET) has been contracted by Save The Children South Africa (SCSA) to conduct research to feed into advocacy focused on enhancing the breadth of skills in the South African education system.

The project is aligned to three global objectives:

  • Global Objective 1 - Political will and commitment towards children’s holistic skills development within national education systems is enhanced
  • Global Objective 2 - Increased knowledge, motivation, and demand for holistic skills within education systems amongst target audiences
  • Global Objective 3 - Increased attention to and salience of the importance of holistic skills development within education among target audiences

The purpose of the Levers of Change report is to outline activities between January and August 2022 that supported these objectives. The first core activity between January and April 2022 was the development of a levers of change scoping study that culminated in a report. The report was geared toward informing advocacy intended to enhance and expand the breadth of skills in the South African education system; particularly in early childhood development and primary education. The report systematically outlined the nature and scope of what should be advocated for to enhance and expand the breadth of skills in the South African education system. The report also identified key stakeholders (including in government, private sector, NGOs) able to drive changes in the education system. In particular, the report considered teacher development as a key lever through which change might be driven to enhance and expand holistic skills development within the education system.

The second core activity throughout the reporting period entailed supporting partnership engagements with key stakeholders from government education departments, higher education institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) focused on enhancing the breadth of skills in the South African education system.

A third group of activities reported on involves the preparation of knowledge sharing events to disseminate and elicit additional input from critical stakeholders in the education ecosystem. This includes preparation for a webinar and a panel at an education conference.

The final activity occupying time during the reporting period is research support to an NGO that supports the basic education department with research capacity. The research support is directly related to examining the potential for enhancing the breadth of skills in the South African education system.

This report provides a summary of each of these activities, with lessons that emerged and recommendations emanating from them. The report will conclude by drawing together overarching insights and consolidated recommendations for activities between September 2022 and September 2023.

Read the report here