The IRR's Blueprint for Growth 3: Breaking the BEE Barrier to Growth
For two decades, supporters of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) have insisted that race-based measures are needed to overcome the effects of apartheid – but the facts show that BEE has failed. Far from helping, BEE has proved to be one of the biggest obstacles to growth in South Africa. It has enriched an elite few while keeping millions in poverty. It disincentivises employment, growth, and investment. It is time for an alternative. the BEE barrier to Growth(1).jpg
The IRR's Blueprint for Growth 3: Breaking the BEE Barrier to Growth
For two decades, supporters of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) have insisted that race-based measures are needed to overcome the effects of apartheid – but the facts show that BEE has failed. Far from helping, BEE has proved to be one of the biggest obstacles to growth in South Africa. It has enriched an elite few while keeping millions in poverty. It disincentivises employment, growth, and investment. It is time for an alternative.