Research & Publications


The IRR Survey, first published in 1948, has become the authoritative guide on socio-economic trends and data in South Africa. Compiled and published annually in collaboration with the IRR’s sister entity, the Centre For Risk Analysis (CRA), the Survey offers an in-depth look at the reality of life in South Africa and the consequences of governance and policy in the areas of demographics, the economy, public finances, employment, industrial relations, business and infrastructure, assets and incomes, education, health, social security, living conditions, communications, crime and security, and politics and government.

Click here to order a copy of the latest Survey.


The future success of South Africa depends on the public and decision makers buying into the fundamental values of the IRR’s classical liberalism.

@Liberty is the IRR’s research paper series analysing the state of non-racialism, limited government, the market economy, individual freedom, property rights, and the rule of law.

Click here to access all @Liberty research papers.

IRR Policy Papers

Without credible policy solutions based on the values of classical liberalism, South Africa cannot fulfil its potential to be a peaceful and prosperous country where all people can enjoy a better life, and foresee a future for their children.

IRR Policy Papers present the IRR’s policy analysis and alternatives on a range of topics.

Click here to access all IRR Policy Papers.


FreeFacts offers a monthly summary of policy results in quantitative terms, by topic.

Click here to access all IRR FreeFacts.

Submissions and correspondence

The IRR regularly contributes to the law-making process by making submissions to Parliament, as well as corresponding with government officials to encourage transparency, accountability, and sound decision making.

Click here to access IRR submissions and letters.