Jack and Jill went down the hill...
30 April 2015 – The IRR’s Fast Facts report published this week takes a glance at South Africa’s ‘born frees’, defined as people born in or after 1990. As the figures show, born frees have not been guaranteed free passage to prosperity by political freedom. The road to a better life is fraught with major hurdles, mainly poor education and high unemployment.
https://p21.juizi.com/irr.org.za/@@site-logo/IRR Logo - Low res.jpg
Jack and Jill went down the hill...
30 April 2015 – The IRR’s Fast Facts report published this week takes a glance at South Africa’s ‘born frees’, defined as people born in or after 1990. As the figures show, born frees have not been guaranteed free passage to prosperity by political freedom. The road to a better life is fraught with major hurdles, mainly poor education and high unemployment.