Press Release: Murder more rife in rural areas - 19 January 2011.
A person in South Africa has the highest likelihood of being murdered in the Cacadu District municipality of the Eastern Cape, sexually assaulted in the Xhariep District of the Free State, violently robbed personally or at their business premises in the City of Johannesburg, and is most vulnerable to attack if they own a home in the Metsweding District of Gauteng, according to the South African Institute of Race Relations. Logo - Low res.jpg
Press Release: Murder more rife in rural areas - 19 January 2011.
A person in South Africa has the highest likelihood of being murdered in the Cacadu District municipality of the Eastern Cape, sexually assaulted in the Xhariep District of the Free State, violently robbed personally or at their business premises in the City of Johannesburg, and is most vulnerable to attack if they own a home in the Metsweding District of Gauteng, according to the South African Institute of Race Relations.