Eswatini Qualifications Authority (EQA)

EQA is a section within the Ministry of Education and Training established to develop and implement the Eswatini Qualifications Framework (ESQF).

Development, Implementation and Maintenance of the ESQF

Verification of Qualifications

Verify your foreign and locally obtained qualifications within 21 working days and 24hrs respectively.

Bring your certified copies of academic certificates, transcript, high school exit qualification, proof of identity and birth certificate to have your qualifications verified. 

Local qualifications - Free

Foreign qualifications - E750 per qualification and E450 for subsequent ones

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Registration of Qualifications

Qualifications are registered on the Eswatini Qualifications Framework (ESQF) to enable national recognition and validation of acquired skills and knowledge, thus ensuring a coherent system that encourages lifelong learning.

Accredited programmes culminating in qualifications and part qualifications will be registered on the Eswatini Qualifications Framework for national and international recognition before implementation. Upon registration, the qualification will bear an ESQF, SADC QF, and ACQF registration numbers to indicate international comparability. 

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Formulation and Publication of National Policies on Qualifications

Formulation and Publication of National Policies

The EQA is responsible for formulation and publication of national policies on:

  • the recognition and validation of competencies for purposes of
    certification obtained outside the formal education and training
  • the establishment and registration of national standards for any
  • the registration of qualifications obtained from all levels of
    education, etc