
New Publication on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Author: Alex
Published: 08 Aug 2008
The booklet, Claiming Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the International Level, has been written by the Socio-Economic Rights Project's Co-ordinator & Senior Researcher, Dr Lilian Chenwi.
news: SER
CSPRI Newsletter 31, June 2009
Author: Alex
Published: 08 Aug 2008
The latest CSPRI Newsletter focuses on the article, the UN Committee Against Torture releases List of Issues for South Africa.
CSPRI '30 Days/Dae/Izinsuku' June 2009
Author: Alex
Published: 08 Aug 2008
This month's media reports cover topics on prisoners' rights, South Africans in foreign prisons, sentencing, paroles and pardons, medical parole, etc.
ESR Review, March 2009
Author: Alex
Published: 08 Aug 2008
This first issue of 2009 has articles on Women's access to health; Litigating socio-economic rights; Age-based discrimination in Uganda & Right of Access to Malaria in Uganda
news: SER