October's Local Government Bulletin is now available

Over the past weeks, the impact of the leadership change in the African National Congress on government has become patently visible. The most important change was obviously manifested in the resignation of the President, three provincial premiers and a number of national Cabinet members, including the Minister for Provincial and Local Government. These significant developments have raised critical questions about the impact that the politics of change will have on local government [excerpt taken from the Editorial]

Articles in this October issue:

  • The Makings of a metro: Msunduzi, Mangaung and Buffalo City municipalities join the ranks
  • Heeding the call for sustainable energy use putting solar energy to work
  • Reviewing the Children’s Act, Implications for local government
  • Are ward committees working? Insights from six case studies
  • Navigating the grey areas: Reflections on the Western Cape powers and functions review process
  • The role of sustainable human settlements in the Response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic
  • Legal Brief - Can a municipality levy taxes retrospectively?
  • From the Courts - Delegating the power to preside over disciplinary appeals
  • From the Courts - Councillors’ individual liability
  • Masters programme on local government 2009-2010

Want to read these interesting articles? Subscribe to the Local Government Bulletin without delay.