What you get

What: A better defined product for a better defined price.

A 5 page website, looking something like the one you're on ;-) with

  • a header section - like the "above-the-fold" section of a newspaper
  • an about section
  • a contact section and form
  • 2 more sections, we'll make recommendations about what works best for you here - maybe a blog, a services section, a mission statement, a team page etc
  • built on an unhackable system, hosted on our secure servers


A structured process to get to that website within 5 days:

  • Monday: an hour meeting (online): discussion with you (and your team if needed), getting the domain name, images/videos, contact information from you
  • Tuesday: the framework will be up, with some of the images, for your feedback
  • Wednesday: tweaking the content (images and words)
  • Thursday: final touches, and an hour online meeting with additional setup help for your Google My Business page, and putting you in contact with other subcontractors for social media, email etc
  • Friday: Launch day


We only do 3 of these BetterWebsites per month. Contact us to book your slot.


  • Development cost paid upfront: R 13,800 incl VAT (price @ April 2022)
  • Monthly hosting and support: R499 incl VAT per month (price @ April 2022) includes 1 domain name and two small* changes to your website content per month

Do you want fries with that? The extras:

  • additional domain names (contact us for a quote)
  • ecommerce -we work with Shopify (contact us for a quote) (BetterShopify?)

Stuff we don't do, but we can refer you to our preferred suppliers:

  • email
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook, IG, LI

*small change = can include updating telephone numbers, changing words, swopping out images. For any larger changes, we'll send you a quote.