
Showcasing the work that JET Education does
Aug 17, 2023

A big part of any website is showcasing the work being done. Whether this is a way to build credibility amongst peers, to show prospective new collaborators that the work you do is relevant, or simply to brag a little bit about the good work you're doing.

Scheduling Meetings
Aug 16, 2023

For our August newsletter we looked at online tools that help us get things done.

Plone people: Maureen and Zuki from JET
Jun 20, 2023

Karel spoke to Maureen and Zuki who edit the JET website that we built, maintain and host for them. Grab a coffee and find out what they like (and don't like - if anything!) about their website, built on the open-source software, Plone.

Software is like chocolate cake
Jun 19, 2023

What is open-source software? And proprietary software? And which should you choose? Let's think about it in terms of chocolate cake.

How to organise content on your website (+ an example)
Apr 18, 2023

Coco Chanel once said: “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” She was probably talking about a pair of earrings or a scarf, but this often applies to a website home page too. Look at your home page. Is there one thing you can take off?