The results are in ...
Overall, how do you feel about 2020?
While a couple of you did feel very positive, and some felt very negative about 2020, on the whole most of you are either ambivalent (35%), or leaning to positive (30%). Glass half full, yes! There’s that South African spirit! But it has certainly not been an easy year...
How did your website help you in 2020?
More than 90% of you were happy to report that your clients were able to find information about your company via your website. And another 80% reported that your clients could contact you via your website (the 20% who don’t have that functionality, let us know - we can set it up for you :-) ). Two thirds of you had more traffic to your website this last year compared with previous years. And almost 70% of you are using your website to keep your clients in loop about how you’re adapting to lockdown. Over 80% of you feel that your website has been a great help this year. Great to hear, because that is what a website is for, after all!
How did you use your website differently in 2020?
More than 70% of you visited your own website more often this year compared to previous years. And almost 95% of you feel you can update your website easily, either yourself, or via your support retainer with Juizi. Excellent! A website should be alive, relevant, and up to date.
How did your way of working change in 2020?
Just over half of you needed to make some changes so that your team members could communicate remotely with each other, and almost 90% had to communicate online remotely with your clients. Most of you didn’t have to move resources online so your clients could access them, but that is probably because the resources were online already, even pre-2020. The beauty of having a good website.
What were your biggest challenges during 2020?
Results show that engaging with clients was not so difficult this year - about 60% of you found it easy. And getting your teams to work online was also not too hard - almost 60% said it was easy. But our last survey point sums things up well:
Was adapting to 2020 easy?
50% said no, 25% were undecided, and only 25% felt it was easy to adapt to the challenges of 2020.
So there you have it. 2020 has been hard. But as Karel shared the other day: