New Shop for Nutape

Recently we built a Shopify store for Nutape, a wholesaler and supplier of tapes, adhesives, abrasives, and more. Karel got stuck into building them an online store and shares the smooth project journey here with us.

Why did Nutape approach us?

Karel: Nutape approached us initially to create a better website than they had. A website they’d be proud of.


So, they didn’t start the project with the idea of having an online store? How did they decide on an online store, and why was Shopify the chosen platform?

Karel: After discussions about what the site should do for them and what they actually wanted, we landed on ecommerce as the best option. Selling online is a new journey for them, so when we showed them all the benefits of Shopify, they really liked the platform, interface and product offering. For us, Shopify is an easy sell because it just works.


What are some of the features of Shopify that you used in this project, and how did they address specific requests from Nutape?

Karel: With the move to sell online directly to customers (B2C), they still wanted to ensure that their B2B customers were also taken into consideration and that they had a way of attracting and servicing more of those. For this reason, we added a function to the site where customers can request a quote rather than purchase directly. This allows Nutape to build a relationship with new businesses by finding out more about what these businesses need, as well as allowing their existing B2B customers to place large orders when needed.


Were there any specific challenges in the project?

Karel: The main challenge was the customisation of the above-mentioned quoting tool (we settled on Quotify). Fortunately, the developer of the tool has been incredibly helpful. They allowed us to install the tool without paying initially, which allowed us to customise it properly, as well as get the client's buy-in before making the final decision. Good developers build good tools, but also offer great support.


Now that the initial set-up of the shop is complete, how are we supporting Nutape with their shop going forward?

Karel: We have their core product offering online already and are adding more products from their wide range as they send the content for them through to us. Going forward, we'll also be assisting them with product updates and shop modifications when necessary, as well as design decisions around their digital marketing.


We look forward to many more fun years working with the friendly folk from Nutape!


(And if you'd like to have your own online shop, contact us!)