7 Reasons to Love Plone

How do I love thee, let me count the ways...

I've only known Plone for a few months, but when you know, you know. In this month of love, I would like to express 7 reasons why I love Plone*.

1. Intuitive

From the moment our eyes met across the room... ahem... screen, I intuitively knew what to do and where to click.

2. Easy to use

With Plone, I didn't have to learn a new (coding) language. Communication is simple and easy and jargon isn't necessary. Uploading and editing is a breeze.

3. Search engine friendly

Plone is exactly what I was searching for. Even Google backs me up on this - it’s built to be optimized for the search engines of the world, and of my heart.

4.Strong, responsive, mobile-friendly

Not all content management systems are great at mobile communication, but Plone is super responsive. A Juizi Plone website is easy on the eyes on any device.

5. Excellent security

Since Plone has never been hacked, I always feel safe.

6. Trusted plugins only

I trust Plone because it doesn’t carry hidden baggage in the form of outdated, dysfunctional plugins.

7. Infinite scalability

Plone supports me through thick and thin, as my website needs grow.

Yes! I also want to fall in love with Plone.


*what we use to build our websites