What we do
Collateral Management Services
Investment and finance peace of mind. iBanq offers collateral management services and solutions in association with our funding partners to help you reduce trade and collateral risk.
- We provide a platform and technology-driven collateral management service and manage investments on behalf of financiers to ensure our clients have the highest level of comfort and security in their investments.
- We enter into tri-party Finance & Trade Collateral Management and Fund Administration Management agreements with clients, and institutional and private investors.
- iBanq manages trade portfolios and facilities within pre-agreed commercial terms, mandates and operational parameters set by the Bank or institutional investor. We undertake to originate and service the portfolio and to deliver the required yield as per agreement with the investor.
- Investors and Banks have the opportunity to set up and configure bespoke eligibility criteria, exclusion rules and concentration thresholds and limits on a range of measures including credit strength of the Supplier and Debtor respectively, credit industry, economic activity, currency and industry sectors.