Roundtable Series

Issue Twenty Six - May 2013 - Accountability
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 22 May 2013
This Roundtable, which was held on Wednesday 22 May, deals with the issue of Accountability in South Africa. A number of themes were expanded on by our panellists. These included the relationship between government and the electorate, the proper role of public officials, public perceptions and expectations, the role of the media and other public bodies, and ways forward. The Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF) brought together a set of panellists drawn from the world of politics, academia, and the media. The panellists were Prof Alex van den Heever, Mr Mmusi Maimane, Dr Mamphela Ramphele and Mr Nic Dawes. The panel discussion was chaired by the director of the HSF, Mr Francis Antonie
Issue Twenty Four - September 2012 - Corruption
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 16 Oct 2012
"Corruption and misadministration are inconsistent with the rule of law and the fundamental values of our constitution. They undermine the constitutional commitment to human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms. They are the antithesis of the open, accountable, democratic government required by the Constitution. If allowed to go unchecked and unpunished they will pose a serious threat to our democratic state." - Judge Arthur Chaskalson, President of the South African Constitutional Court, 2000.
Issue Twenty Three - September 2012 - Guilty or not guilty: Behind bars anyway
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 14 Sep 2012
The Helen Suzman Foundation, in association with the Open Society For South Africa, hosted a QRS dealing with prisoners in remand and human rights. The aim of the QRS was to explore the issues currently faced by people who are placed in remand detention pending the finalisation of their court case. These issues include overcrowding, court delays, excessive time spent in remand, and an inability to qualify for bail amongst others.
Issue Twenty Two - July 2012 - Government - Business Relations: The Role of Business
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 12 Jul 2012
This Roundtable examined the current relationship between government and the private sector in South Africa with a view to determining what role business itself should be playing. Specific questions addressed by the four panelists include: how does the strained relationship between government and business undermine South Africa’s ability to overcome its domestic challenges; what role do the various business organisations play in influencing the policy debate in South Africa; what role do the various business organisations play in influencing the policy debate in South Africa; and should the business sector engage publically with government about contentious issues or should they do it behind closed doors?
Issue Twenty One - September 2011 - Bridging the Gap between Constitutional Rights and Homophobic Realities
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 06 Dec 2011
South Africa’s Constitution is one of the most liberal and inclusive in the world. In particular, the Bill of Rights, Article 9 (3), guarantees that, “No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone [on the grounds of] gender, sex, [or] sexual orientation.” Since the Constitutional dispensation, gay rights victories have been achieved in many areas: same-sex civil unions; same-sex adoption; same-sex spousal benefits; etc.
Issue Twenty - July 2011 - Funding The Arts
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 Jul 2011
This particular Roundtable emerged out of ongoing discussions held with the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) and with Business and Arts South Africa (BASA). Given the importance of the Arts in uniting, enlightening, and developing a rich and vibrant South African society, the Roundtable discussion explored how funding of the Arts can become more streamlined, co-ordinated and effective in order to enhance the sustainability of the Arts sector.
Issue Nineteen - May 2011 - Making Local Gavernment Work
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 May 2011
Francis Antonie, Director of the Helen Suzman Foundation and Chair for the evening, began by noting that as the evening’s roundtable takes place on the eve of the Municipal Elections, questions around the efficiency, effectiveness and the role of local government are up for discussion. He laid the foundation for the discussion by outlining several questions to frame the debate. These included questions around the capacity of local government, funding issues, the appropriateness of the structures of local government for dealing with corruption, and the susceptibility of the administrative structures to pressures from economic and political elites. He ended by posing the question, “Have we not set local government up for failure?”
Issue Eighteen - Febuary 2011 - South Africa's Debt Trap
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 Feb 2011
The Helen Suzman Foundation, in association with its partner the Open Society Foundation For South Africa, hosted its first QRS of the year. The QRS explored South Africa’s Debt Trap against the background of the National Credit Act, and the responses to this Act from the Banking sector and Micro Finance Industry.
Issue Seventeen - September 2010 - The Energy Mix: Electrifying South Africa
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 Sep 2010
As the state of South Africa continues its search of efficient and effective resolutions to the energy dilemma and strives to meet the country’s long term demand, The Helen Suzman Foundation took the opportunity to host a roundtable discussion on this issue. The theme of the discussion, The Energy Mix: Electrifying South Africa, has its roots in the government’s expressed commitment to expand the country’s energy mix and to move beyond fossil-based fuel sources.
Issue Sixteen - August 2010 - Of Strangers and Outsiders: Overcoming Xenophobia
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 18 Aug 2010
T he Helen Suzman Foundation, in association with The Open Society Foundation For South Africa, hosted a roundtable discussion on Wednesday 18 August 2010, entitled Of Strangers and Outsiders: Overcoming Xenophobia. The debate was lively and the event was attended by around 160 people.
Issue Fifteen - May 2010 - Sport, Nation Building and Development
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 May 2010
The Helen Suzman Foundation in association with, the Open Society Foundation For South Africa, hosted another Quarterly Roundtable on Sport, Nation Building and Development. It was held at the Country Club Johannesburg in Auckland Park on Monday 31 May 2010. The Roundtable was attended by a cross section of the public and people currently working within the field of sports development research and community sporting initiatives.
Issue Fourteen - March 2010 - Identity: Are there any South Africans?
Author: Helen Suzman Foundation
Published: 01 Mar 2010
The Foundation’s liveliest roundtable to date was held at the Johannesburg Country Club, 10 March 2010. The varied panel comprising Antjie Krog (Begging to be Black), Eusebius McKaiser (columnist and blogger), William Gumede (political analyst) and Ivor Chipkin (Do South African’s Exist?) provided provocative, contrasting and stimulating presentations.