
FSU SA joins global free speech campaign
Jul 23, 2024

Free speech is under assault in the English speaking world. The UK, New Zealand and Australia are in a fraught position and, although free speech is not as threatened or not in the same way in South Africa, we've joined with the other FSUs to form the International Association of Free Speech Unions to assist aspirant unions to fight for free speech as foundational to healthy democracies.

Is racism in the eye of the powerful only?
Jun 30, 2024

The racism alleged against individuals who don't hold power gets a lot of outraged attention, but the casual yet repeated racism intended to undermine the status of minorities by political leaders and their party officials gets little outraged media response. This is of particular concern given the power of the political elites both to wage 'lawfare' against the weak and to stir up racism to undermine societal relations.

SABC won’t flight DA’s “burning flag” ad: Whose public broadcaster is it, anyway?
May 20, 2024

The DA advert, depicting a burning flag, has seen moral outrage over the 'desecration' of a national symbol. The SABC refuses to flight it. Not only was it not a real flag, but free speech means being able to do anything (not just say anything). FSU SA argues that it is up to the public to comment on the issue, not the public broadcaster.

The “burning flag” ad, or, much ado about nothing
May 14, 2024

The has been much 'outrage' at the DA's 'burning flag' advert. It's critical of the ANC, the EFF and MK. And so it should be. The South African flag is a symbol of South Africa. It is not a human being. It is not a religious icon. If a curated burning of it symbolises what the ANC et al have and are doing to the country, that's pretty symbolic. Free speech recognises that. Have no fear, it gets restored to its full glory.