
The Role of Ward Committees in Enhancing Participatory Local Governance and Development in South Africa: Evidence from Six Ward Committee Case Studies
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
This booklet, written by Terence Smith & Prof Jaap de Visser, focuses on the legislative and policy provisions for ward committees; a review of key issues and challenges and findings of the ward committee case studies, as well as a comparative analysis of the findings. The report ends with some reflections on the implications of the findings and some policy and practical recommendations for improving the functioning of ward committees.
news: Local Gov
Local Government Bulletin, November/ December 2008
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
This is the final issue for the year. It focuses on filling vacancies during political turmoil; implementing the Property Rates Act; the abolition of floor crossing & defining municipal health services.
news: Local Gov
October's Local Government Bulletin is now available
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
Over the past weeks, the impact of the leadership change in the African National Congress on government has become patently visible. The most important change was obviously manifested in the resignation of the President, three provincial premiers and a number of national Cabinet members, including the Minister for Provincial and Local Government. These significant developments have raised critical questions about the impact that the politics of change will have on local government [excerpt taken from the Editorial]
news: Local Gov
Masters Programme on Local Government
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
The Community Law Centre offers a highly competitive research and training programme on local government and decentralisation in South Africa and the rest of Africa.
news: Local Gov
Parliamentary submissions
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
The Local Government Project has made a submission on the Draft Regulations of the Children's Act, 2005 and CSPRI made a submission on the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill [B42 of 2008]
news: Local Gov
Submissions by Local Government Project
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
The Project has commented on the Western Cape Liquor Bill & Public Administration Management Bill (draft).
news: Local Gov
Review of Local Government
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
Five research papers on the Review of Local Government are available for download.
news: Local Gov