
Mandela Day Seminar - 18 July 2011
Author: calitz
Published: 18 Jul 2011
In commemoration of the Mandela Day on 18 July 2011, several organisations including the National Welfare Forum (NWF), Global Call to Action against Poverty South Africa (GCAP-SA), Black Sash, Amnesty International South Africa, People's Health Movement - South-Africa (PHMSA) and the Community Law Centre (CLC) at the University of the Western Cape, held a seminar to advocate for the ratification for the ICESCR and its Optional Protocol. It is clear from the discussions that South Africa needs to urgently ratify the ICESCR. The ratification would strengthen the domestic protection of economic, social and cultural rights in South Africa through policy, legislation (laws) and jurisprudence (decisions of court). It was acknowledged that poverty remains a huge challenge in South Africa. The ratification of the ICESCR and its Optional Protocol would contribute substantively to the shifting of poverty and inequality in South Africa
Illegal immigrants die in Gabon detention
Author: Jean
Published: 17 Jun 2011
Agence France Press (AFP) reports that three illegal immigrants died in detention, possibly of cholera, after being expelled from an illegal gold mine.
News Gabon Immigrants
Ten suffocate in detention in Chad
Author: Jean
Published: 03 Oct 2010
Forty-seven villagers were arrested by police in connection with the death of a village chief who had been implicated in child abduction cases.
Chad ACJR News News
Local Government Bulletin, March 2009
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
This current issue has articles on Municipal Manager's Appointment, the Congress of the People (COPE), Water Service Delivery, Gender, HIV and Development & the Municipal Property Rates Act.
news: Local Gov
The Role of Ward Committees in Enhancing Participatory Local Governance and Development in South Africa: Evidence from Six Ward Committee Case Studies
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
This booklet, written by Terence Smith & Prof Jaap de Visser, focuses on the legislative and policy provisions for ward committees; a review of key issues and challenges and findings of the ward committee case studies, as well as a comparative analysis of the findings. The report ends with some reflections on the implications of the findings and some policy and practical recommendations for improving the functioning of ward committees.
news: Local Gov
Local Government Bulletin, November/ December 2008
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
This is the final issue for the year. It focuses on filling vacancies during political turmoil; implementing the Property Rates Act; the abolition of floor crossing & defining municipal health services.
news: Local Gov
October's Local Government Bulletin is now available
Author: Alex
Published: 19 Jan 2010
Over the past weeks, the impact of the leadership change in the African National Congress on government has become patently visible. The most important change was obviously manifested in the resignation of the President, three provincial premiers and a number of national Cabinet members, including the Minister for Provincial and Local Government. These significant developments have raised critical questions about the impact that the politics of change will have on local government [excerpt taken from the Editorial]
news: Local Gov