
Constitution reform: the latest trend in Africa
Author: jacob
Published: 23 Apr 2013
The Community Law Centre invites constitution-making experts to submit abstracts for an upcoming conference, which marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of South Africa’s Interim Constitution.
CLC’s colloquium unpacks doctoral thesis chapters
Author: jacob
Published: 19 Apr 2013
The Community Law Centre in partnership with the University of Western Cape Law Faculty hosted the fifth doctoral colloquium to give 20 doctoral students a chance to present chapters of their thesis.
Ex-prisoners speak of abuses in secret Bossembele prison
Author: Jean
Published: 11 Apr 2013
Bossembele, known by some as "Guantanamo" of the Central African Republic, is one of Africa's most secret prisons, where ousted president Francois Bozize allegedly had his opponents jailed and tortured for years. A alliance of rebel groups known as Seleka captured Bossembele and freed all prisoners as they moved against Bozize in March 2013. Al Jazeera gained access to the prison in April 2013.
Central African Republic ACJR News News
Outdated offence used to arrest Zambian activist
Author: Jean
Published: 11 Apr 2013
An activist has been arrested in Zambia for "inciting the public to take part in indecent activities" authorities have said. This offence was adopted in Zambia in 1898 via England's Vagrancy Act of 1824. Activist Paul Kasonkomona was arrested immediately after appearing on a live television show on Sunday 7 April. In the show he outlined measures to combat HIV, which he argued included the decriminalisation of same-sex acts.
News Zambia Outdated offences