
CSPRI’s Jean Redpath on SAfm
Author: jacob
Published: 10 Jul 2013
Senior researcher at the Community Law Centre, Jean Redpath on national radio, debating whether the National Prosecuting Authority is fulfilling its mandate.
ACJR News News
SALC and CHREAA launch study on nuisance-related arrests
Author: Jean
Published: 09 Jul 2013
The Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC) and Malawi's Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) launched a report at the Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe on their study of the law and practice relating to arrests for nuisance-related offences in Blantyre, Malawi. Senior judges and magistrates were in attendance at the launch, and Justice Edward Twea gave the keynote address.
Outdated offences ACJR News News Malawi
Ten reasons why Zimbabwe needs a new policy on provincial and local government
Author: jacob
Published: 08 Jul 2013
After South Africa adopted the 1996 Constitution with a new role for local government, a comprehensive policy process was conducted to shape the new system in line with the Constitution. This resulted in a Green Paper in 1997 and a White Paper in 1998. These documents were critical in the legislative programme that followed.
news: Local Gov
Article 40 now available for download!
Author: jacob
Published: 21 Jun 2013
This year marks the third anniversary of the implementation of the Child Justice Act of South Africa and the Child Justice Alliance continues to keep a sharp focus the impact of the Act on the administration of justice to children in South Africa.
ESR Review Volume 14, No. 1, 2013
Author: jacob
Published: 18 Jun 2013
This issue of the ESR Review for 2013 focuses on the eight Millennium Development Goals.
news: SER