
CSPRI unpacks its new research papers
Author: jacob
Published: 27 Aug 2013
Community Law Centre's Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative presented two papers which seek to understand gross human rights violations by prison warders on inmates in prisons and how different sub-sets in the South African population experiences law enforcement.
Conference attracts a panel of eminent speakers across Africa
Author: jacob
Published: 27 Aug 2013
An exciting panel of high profile speakers is expected to spark a conversation on the process of constitution making and implementation, during an International Conference on Constitution-Building in Africa on 6 September 2013. These prominent figures that have been key in constitution making in various countries will be engaging in a conversation, which will reflect on the relevance of the South African transition for constitution building in Africa. This session will be chaired by Prof. NicoSteytler, National Research Chair Multilevel Government, Law and Policy.
Press Release: Approval process for the Ratification of ICESCR - 23 August 2013
Author: calitz
Published: 23 Aug 2013
Subsequent to Cabinet’s announcement in October 2012, Parliament extended an invitation to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ& CD) to make a presentation on 20 August 2013, as part of the formalities required for the final approval of government’s decision to ratify the ICESCR. In its presentation DOJ& CD reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to ending poverty and social inequality. Parliament will now have to deliberate on Cabinet’s proposal to ratify and make the necessary approval as provided for by the Constitution.