
Focus on transitional constitution of South Sudan
Author: jacob
Published: 05 Sep 2013
Speakers at the Constitution-Building in Africa conference will also look at one of the youngest country in Africa, South Sudan. The conference which will take place this Friday is expected to attract people from across the continent. There will be over thirty presentation delivered at this conference centred around four themes; limiting the power of the state; designing state institutions that serve the country; how to achieve a democratic and inclusive process of constitution making; and making a constitution work.
Speakers look into women in the constitution-making process
Author: jacob
Published: 03 Sep 2013
In order to make the constitutional process more broadly inclusive, women and other vulnerable groups in the society should participate in this process. This is according to some speakers who are part of the International Conference on Constitution-Building in Africa on 6 September 2013.
Report argues housing ‘queue’ is a myth
Author: jacob
Published: 30 Aug 2013
On 29 August 2013 the Community Law Centre (CLC), based at the University of the Western Cape, and the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) officially launched a research report entitled ‘Jumping the Queue’, Waiting Lists and other Myths: Perceptions and Practice around Housing Demand and Allocation in South Africa.
Mark of the 20th anniversary of the SA Interim Constitution
Author: jacob
Published: 30 Aug 2013
The University of the Western Cape's Community Law Centre played an important role in the drafting of the Interim and the Final Constitution and is proud to host a conference to mark the anniversary of the Interim Constitution.
Conference promises accessibility with new media
Author: jacob
Published: 29 Aug 2013
The Constitution-Building Conference in Africa conference is expected to be interactive and be easily accessible even to those who will not be able come to the event with social media and other communication tools. Part of this action-packed and insightful event will be broadcast live on UStream. There will also be a YouTube video to give a glimpse of the proceedings of the event. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook will leverage interaction about this event.
An array of speakers across Africa deliver papers on constitution-building
Author: jacob
Published: 28 Aug 2013
More than 40 speakers from across Africa will deliver their insightful and thought provoking papers during the Constitution-Building Conference which will take place on 6 September in Cape Town. These range of speakers comes from countries like Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ethopia, Kenya as well South Africa just to mention a few. These speakers will discuss themes such as limiting the state, designing state institutions, democratic and inclusive processes of constitution-making and implementing a constitution.
Minister Trevor Manuel acknowledges the Community Law Centre
Author: jacob
Published: 28 Aug 2013
“It is not a secret that much of our Bill of Rights was drafted at the Community Law Centre,” this were the words by Minister Trevor Manuel, Minister in the Presidency-National Planning Commission, when delivering his speech at the University of the Western Cape Yesterday afternoon.