
Citizen groups building solidarity to reclaim our democracy
Author: jacob
Published: 26 Nov 2013
Many serious questions are being raised about the state of democracy and politics in South Africa at this time. Over the course of 2013, there have been a number of initiatives to discuss and engage with questions of civil society’s role and place in South Africa’s democracy nearly 20 years down the line.
Prof De Visser speaks at World Bank Law Justice & Development Week in Washington
Author: jacob
Published: 21 Nov 2013
The Community Law Centre also received a critical mention in Albie Sachs' keynote address, who is the former Community Law Centre associate and former Constitutional Court judge in South Africa. The event kicked off on 18 November and it concludes on 22 November in Washington DC in the United States of America.
The Community Law Centre partners with Addis Ababa University
Author: jacob
Published: 11 Nov 2013
The Community Law Centre has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Centre for Federal Studies (CFS) at Addis Ababa University. In terms of that MOU, staff of the Community Law Centre regularly teaches at the CFS, particularly in its PhD programme.
Prof Jaap de Visser delivers a lecture on local government in Ethiopia
Author: jacob
Published: 08 Nov 2013
The director of the Community Law Centre, Prof Jaap de Visser lectured a group of honours and LLM students on the place of local government in the South African system of multilevel government at the Ethiopian Civil Service College in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia yesterday (7 November 2013).
news: Local Gov