
Free online course with Prof Jan Erk at Leiden University
Published: 18 May 2015
Prof Jan Erk, who has strong ties with the Community Law Centre, is offering a free online course: Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa's Track Record with Leiden University. The course consists of 6 modules (each consisting of video-lectures and additional material). There are also a number of guest lectures on African case-studies. South Africa is one of the case-studies, Community Law Centre’s Prof Nico Steytler has a short guest-presentation in the duration of the course.
2015 first issue of ESR Review now available!
Author: jacob
Published: 28 Apr 2015
This issue of the ESR Review in 2015 issue includes an article by Usang Maria Assim that summarises South Africa’s initial report to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), reviewing South Africa’s progress towards the realisation of children’s socio-economic rights.
Toward indicators for measuring pre-trial detention in Africa
Author: Jean
Published: 24 Apr 2015
For most development issues, indicators are adopted both to measure progress and to galvanise action. For example, the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which ranged from halving extreme poverty rates to providing universal primary education by the target date of 2015 – formed a blueprint which was agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions, and succeeded in galvanising unprecedented efforts toward meeting the needs of the world’s poorest.
Indicators ACJR News News
CLC tightens relations with Moi University
Author: jacob
Published: 23 Apr 2015
Prof Nico Steytler and Prof Jaap de Visser visited the School of Law of Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya.They were received by Dr Mutakha Kangu, Dean of the School of Law and former doctoral researcher with the SARChI Chair at the Community Law Centre.
MLGI research ranks the cities in South Africa
Author: jacob
Published: 13 Apr 2015
MLGI announces the release of the Capable Cities Index: The capacity of cities (by Dr DM Powell and M O’Donovan). The CCI is a composite index that ranks the 27 largest cities in South Africa on the basis of their consistency in maintaining high levels of capacity, performance and compliance over the period 2010 to 2014. A capable city is one that maintains consistently high scores in all three components of capability.
We are hiring!
Author: jacob
Published: 09 Apr 2015
Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative (CSPRI) is seeking to appoint a full-time researcher, on a one year contract which is renewable subject to availability of donor funding.