
Roundtable on local government and food security
Author: Jacob
Published: 09 Nov 2015
On 22 October 2015 the DOI and CoE Food Security hosted a roundtable on exploring the link between developmental local government and food security. The objectives of the roundtable were to increase collective analysis and understanding of the extent to which municipalities are fulfilling their obligation towards the right to food and what the roles are for local government in this regard. Approximately 20 participants from academic institutions, state departments, civil society and the private sector attended.
Paper on arrest in Africa released
Author: Jean
Published: 01 Nov 2015
PPJA has released a paper exploring the issues around arrest in Africa. The paper considers the historical roots of policing in Africa and how these have been translated in the post-colonial context. The paper suggests not all people are at an equal risk of arrest, but rather that it is the poor, powerless and out-groups that are at a higher risk of arrest. The report concludes with a number of recommendations, calling for further research, decriminalisation of certain offences, and restructuring of the police in African countries.
ACJR News News
Academics unpack BRICS domestic agenda
Author: Jacob
Published: 21 Oct 2015
The BRICS domestic agenda, its country impacts, have not been subject to analysis by scholars from the five BRICS countries, whether university-based or those in the public research institutions. This is according to Prof Nico Steytler, South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Policy, at the Dullah Omar Institute of Constitutional Law, Governance and Human Rights, University of the Western Cape during the BRICS conference last week.
CSPRI participates in international seminar on pre-trial detention
Author: Jean
Published: 28 Sep 2015
CSPRI researcher Jean Redpath provided insights around the problem of pre-trial detention in the African context, with particular emphasis on problems in measuring the impact of interventions and of policy change.
ACJR News News