
NEW REPORT: Just Cities for Women Bulletin 2016
Author: Jacob
Published: 15 Mar 2016
In 1994, South Africa emerged as a constitutional democracy full of promise for a better life for all South Africans. A system of developmental local government was established which is ‘intended to have a major impact on the daily lives’ of South Africans. Both men and women have an equal responsibility and thus should be given equal opportunities to ‘find sustainable ways to meet their social, economic and material needs and improve the quality of their lives’ [White Paper on Local Government].
Jaap de Visser presents on Federal Nepal in Kathmandu
Author: Jacob
Published: 25 Feb 2016
On 24 February, Prof Jaap de Visser delivered a presentation to a group of 70 academics, civil society representatives and government officials in Kathmandu, Nepal. The meeting was convened by the Forum of Federations in support of the process to implement the new Constitution of Nepal, which envisages a federal structure and constitutionally recognised local government. Prof De Visser discussed key provisions of the Constitution of Nepal and highlighted the experience of South Africa and other African countries.
ESR Review No. 3 of 2015 is now available!
Author: Jacob
Published: 19 Feb 2016
This issue of the ESR Review includes three feature articles that discuss various areas of socio-economic rights. Enoch MacDonnell Chilemba analyses various incidents of evictions that took place in South Africa in 2014. There were also court challenges, applications and decisions relating to evictions. The article highlights issues relating to the legality and frequency of evictions.
Dr Assim attends a review and planning workshop in Ghana
Author: Jacob
Published: 18 Feb 2016
Dr. Usang Maria Assim, a senior researcher in the Dullah Omar Institute’s Children’s Rights Project, is taking part in the review and planning workshop of the African Children’s Charter Project (ACCP) from 14 to 20 February 2016 in Accra Ghana. The workshop is aimed at reviewing the progress of the ACCP since the start of a two year bridging period in 2015 and planning for the second year (2016) of the bridging period.
Jaap de Visser shares SA experience on provincial government in Nepal
Author: Jacob
Published: 18 Feb 2016
Prof Jaap de Visser is taking part in a programme to raise awareness and conduct citizen education around federalism in Nepal. In 2015, Nepal adopted a Constitution creates national, provincial and local levels of government. This was done to accommodate the multitude of ethnicities, languages, religions and cultures in Nepal and to facilitate more responsive government. Nepal is now faced with the mammoth task of implementing this new Constitution.
Johnstone investigates how to hold local government accountable
Author: Jacob
Published: 17 Feb 2016
The Dullah Omar Institute doctoral candidate, Shehaam Johnstone participated in the 1st Annual Emerging Legal Scholarship Conference, where she presented a paper investigating how to hold local government accountable in terms of its constitutional competencies towards realising the right to food. The conference was hosted by the Faculty of Law within the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University on 4 and 5 February 2016. The theme of the conference, “Legal challenges for a new generation”.
Absence of public open spaces violates right to the city - Ayele
Author: Jacob
Published: 16 Feb 2016
Dr Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele, a former post-doctoral fellow, at the Dullah Omar Institute recently published an opinion article on an Ethiopian newspaper, focusing on public open spaces and our rights to our cities. He argues that the creation of industrial, commercial, or residential areas in and of itself is not problematic. It goes without saying that we need economic development and that our cities have immense contribution to make in this respect, he points out.
Jaap de Visser addresses Parliament on intergovernmental relations
Author: Jacob
Published: 11 Feb 2016
On 9 February, Prof Jaap de Visser, the director of Dullah Omar Institute, delivered a presentation duringva workshop organised by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The NCOP, as the house of Parliament that brings together nine provinces and organised local government, plays a critical, but often underestimated role. Prof De Visser discussed the role of the NCOP in the adoption of national legislation and its role in holding the national executive accountable.