
Prof Mezmur judges the National Schools Moot Court Competition
Author: Jacob
Published: 12 Oct 2017
The head of the Children’s Rights Project, Prof Benyam Dawit Mezmur was invited to be judge in the final round of the 2017 National Schools Moot Court Competition on the 8th October in the Constitutional Court in Pretoria, together with Justices Madlanga, Mhlantla, Mojapelo, Kollapen, and a number of other experts.
UN Human Rights Council adopts resolution
Author: Safeeya
Published: 10 Oct 2017
Proper file and data management is among the calls made to states in this resolution. Proper data collection is a key ACJR interest.
Roundtable focuses on access to food for tertiary students
Author: Jacob
Published: 06 Oct 2017
The Socio-economic Rights Project hosted a roundtable on the access to food for students in tertiary institutions in South Africa on the 5th of October 2017. It looked at issues to be addressed from a first-hand perspective, as well as possible solutions going forward relating to access to food for tertiary students.
Graça Machel reflects on the founding principles of the SA Freedom Charter and Constitution
Author: Jacob
Published: 06 Oct 2017
I stand here today, along with the memory of Advocate Dullah Omar and the principles of justice and equality he stood for, urging us not to spare the strength or courage required to collectively soul search and move us closer to the South Africa enshrined in the dreams of our Freedom Charter and Constitution. This were the words by renowed humanitarian and international advocate for the rule of law, governance and human rights, Graça Machel during the 11th Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture which took place on 3 October 2017 at the University of the Western Cape, organised by the the Dullah Omar Institute.
Jaap de Visser provides expert input to Ugandan Commission of Inquiry
Author: Jaap
Published: 24 Sep 2017
The Ugandan Commission of Inquiry into Land Matters is tasked by President Museveni to propose reforms to the land sector. Land administration in Uganda is plagued by corruption, land use is often uncontrolled and tenure systems are collapsing.