
Long Road still ahead for ‘Child Marriages’ Bill
Author: Alicestine October
Published: 17 Nov 2017
Despite alarming figures of tens of thousands of child marriages in the country, much-needed legislation to address the issue is seemingly still a long way off for those considered child victims of forced marriages.
Call For Papers: SALGA Research Colloquium
Author: Jacob
Published: 15 Nov 2017
The South African Local Government Association (SALGA), in partnership with the University of the Western Cape’s Dullah Omar Institute, will host a research colloquium in Cape Town on 28 – 29 March 2018. The theme of the colloquium is “Rethinking Local Government Transformation: Spatial Planning, Robust Governance and Sustainable Financing as tools for developmental local government”
LLM Bursary on Human Rights Food Security up for grabs!
Author: Jacob
Published: 15 Nov 2017
The Socio-economic Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape (UWC) has a bursary available for a full-time student to study in 2018 towards a Master’s Degree in Law with a specific focus on Human Rights and Food Security.
Paralegals need formal recognition in Africa
Author: Jean
Published: 11 Nov 2017
A regional conference held in Malawi, the birthplace of paralegalism, called upon states to recognise and support the key role played by paralegals in the criminal justice system. The conference proceedings were facilitated by ACJR researcher Jean Redpath.
Paralegals ACJR News
Women and Democracy Initiative launches ParlyBeat
Author: Jacob
Published: 09 Nov 2017
The Dullah Omar Institute’s Women and Democracy Initiative, in collaboration with the Parliament Watch collective has recently published the first edition of its bi-weekly newsletter, ParlyBeat.
Prof de Visser looks at socio-economic rights, local government in Africa
Author: Jacob
Published: 03 Nov 2017
Local government practitioners can't deliver well because they lack credible constitutional powers to help them deliver services. These are words by Prof Jaap de Visser, the director of the Dullah Omar Institute when giving keynote speech at the  4th Annual National Conference on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at Makerere University in Uganda.
Comment: Parliament Watch reflections on monitoring Parliament
Author: Sam Waterhouse
Published: 03 Nov 2017
Navigating Parliament and access to information can at times be difficult for ordinary citizens. The past week was no exception for members of the Parliament Watch (ParlyWatch) collective who monitors these parliamentary meetings. Although the blockages are not official, the systems and ways of getting access to information and committees are becoming more and more hidden, changeable and closed,writes Sam Waterhouse