
Prof Dee Smythe joins DOI Advisory Board
Author: Jacob
Published: 27 May 2019
The Institute is proud to announce that Prof Dee Smythe, Professor of Public Law the University of Cape Town, is joining its Advisory Board.
Parly Committees’ performance on SASSA and SABC marginally improved, but still weak
Author: Alicestine October
Published: 17 Apr 2019
Parliament Watch, today released a Scorecard reflecting selected portfolio committees in the National Assembly’s poor to average performance. The Scorecard based on committee performance in 2018 also includes selected committees in the Eastern Cape Legislature. It focused on the Portfolio Committees on Social Development, Communications, and Police and how they handled three politically hot issues. These were the social grants crisis in the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), the SABC-crisis and the issues discriminatory police resource allocation.
New research to help fix the fail in SOE governance laws
Author: Jacob
Published: 08 Apr 2019
South Africans are no stranger to loadshedding and increasing train passenger woes that can be linked to the capture of strategic State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) like Eskom and the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa). These institutions over the years turned into places where it was a free for all to steal money and board appointments became proxies for the creation of opportunities for looting. Given the prevailing ills of state capture there is a need for greater transparency and quality in these board appointments.
Round-table pays attention to women’s representation during elections
Author: Jacob
Published: 02 Apr 2019
The Socio-Economic Rights Project hosted a roundtable discussion on elections and service delivery on 2 April 2019 at the University of the Western Cape. This roundtable provided an opportunity to for social justice activists, advocates, academics, community-based organisations, non-governmental organisations, policy makers and stakeholders to enter into a meaningful engagement centred on elections and service delivery.
Did you know
Author: Alicestene October
Published: 29 Mar 2019
Voters may under our current electoral system not be able to directly elect their political representatives for Parliament and the legislatures, but at least they have the right to object to candidates nominated by political parties contesting the national and provincial elections on 8 May. Voters now have until may not directly elect their political representatives may not have a say now have until next week 17:00 PM on 2 April to lodge objections.