
Op-ed: Law enforcement and DUI — how to curb South Africa’s road crash epidemic
Published: 07 Jul 2021
The severity of the punishment, if caught, is not a deterrent to committing crime. If consumers of alcohol can be fairly certain that if they get behind the steering wheel of a vehicle that they will be stopped and tested, they will be less likely to do so and make alternative arrangements or postpone their travel.
Op-ed ACJR Op-ed ACJR Publication South Africa DUI
Op-ed: When the rich buy indemnity, justice is denied
Published: 07 Jul 2021
How much discretion does a prosecutor have to decline to prosecute? Is mediation always a good thing? Is there sometimes an obligation to prosecute? Does compensation for the victim trump societal criminal justice interests? These are vexing questions, especially when attempting to answer them in the abstract. A recent case may help in crystallising some thoughts.
Op-ed ACJR Op-ed ACJR Publication NPA National Prosecuting Authority
South African Constitutional Court clarifies law on liability of police for unlawful detention after court appearance
Author: Jean
Published: 18 May 2021
The Constitutional Court on 14 May 2021 overturned a judgement of the Supreme Court of Appeal, which had limited the Minister of Police's liability for unlawful detention to the point at which they could have applied for bail. The judgement is important for the evolving jurisprudence on liability for lawful detention on the continent.
ACJR News News
South African Constitutional Court clarifies law on liability of police for unlawful detention after bail is denied
Author: Jean
Published: 18 May 2021
The Constitutional Court on 14 May 2021 overturned a judgement of the Supreme Court of Appeal, which had limited the Minister of Police's liability for unlawful detention to the point at which they could have applied for bail. The judgement is important for the evolving jurisprudence on liability for lawful detention on the continent.
ACJR News News
Appointment of Dr Jean Redpath: Member of the Provincial Safety Advisory Committee
Published: 18 May 2021
The Dullah Omar Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Jean Redpath, Senior Researcher in the Africa Criminal Justice Reform programme, as member of the Provincial Safety Advisory Committee. She is appointed as a representative of a non-governmental organisation involved in policing or related areas.