Bulletin Archives

Volume 9, Issue 5, November/December 2007.
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 11 Oct, 2017
Review of the White Paper on Local Government: A Civil Society Perspective.
Author: Good Governance Learning Network

This submission by the Good Governance Learning Network to the local government review provides an assessment of the practice of local governance in South Africa since the introduction of the White Paper in 1998. It is structured around three key thematic areas, which we believe together encompass the entire spectrum of issues that need to be reviewed

Facilitating Public Participation: A Niche Role For the Speaker
Author: Reuben Baatjies

Considerable attention has been drawn to local governement's ability to facilitate public participation and the role and effective administration of ward committees. Undoubtedly, the most important aspect of the local government review is the need to improve the quality of local democracy, the degree of municipal responsiveness and accountability.

Legal Briefs.
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)

Do Property Rates Expire After Three Or After Thirty Years?

The Emergence of Local Government in Ethiopia.
Author: Yonathan Fessha

Until recently, local government in Ethiopia was treated as a "stepchild" of central and regional government. Although a strongly federal government has been in place since 1995, devolution of power has largely been limited to the regional level without any clear definition of the lower tiers of government.

The Functioning of Ward Committees. Challenges and Prospects.
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

Ward committees were formally introduced in 2000, and many municipalities soon commenced the process of establishing them. The establishment rate of ward committees across the country now stands at over 90% and is growing, indicating a firm commitment to this mode of community participation. This article submits a few observations on some of the obstacles to the functionality of ward committees.

The Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act.
Author: Wendy Fanoe

The Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act gives effect to section 229 (1) and 229 (2) of the Constitution and is one of the final building blocks in the creation of a regulatory framework to coordinate macro-economic tax policy objectives across all three spheres of government.

The SALGA Country Guideline For Local Government on HIV and AIDS.
Author: SALGA

As one of the mandates of local AIDS councils (LACs) is to advise government on policy issues related to HIV and AIDS, political representation in the LAC helps ensure that crucial inputs on AIDS councils reach the agenda of the municipal council. This is one example of the type of local government leadership required to ensure widespread and sustainable responses to HIV and AIDS at the local level.

Volume 9, Issue 4,September/ October 2007.
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 11 Oct, 2017
Crisis or Communication Breakdown? Are Our Councillors Listening?
Author: Dr Steven Friedman

Not that long ago, a democracy promotion organisation arranged a course ti help local councillors improve their capacity to represent voters. The skills it taught were how to hear what local voters were saying and how to speak on their behalf. After a while, the councillors complained that the course did not meet their needs. They wanted, they said to be taught "how to deliver services".

Levying Property Rates: A New Dispensation.
Author: Nico Steytler

With the gradual implementation of the Local Government Property Rates Act, the impact of the new constitutional regime in the levying of property rates is slowly filtering through. The latest conflict concerned whether a provision of the old Cape Ordinance requiring the administrators consent for an increase in the rate was constitutionally valid.

Has Floor-Crossing Seen its End?
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

The floor-crossing window period has come to and gone, affecting the composition of 128 municipalities. Although 280 politicians tried to cross, only 250 succeeded. This is a significant reduction in the number of councillors who crossed the floor compared with the first floor-crossing period in 2002 (555) and the second in 2004 (486).

Legal Briefs.
Author: MLGA (Community Law Centre)

Does the municipal council have a say in the appointments of administrative staff by the municipal manager?

Local AIDS Councils and the Civic Role of Local Government.
Author: Marije Versteeg

There is widespread consensus that the severity of the HIV and AIDS epidemic cannot be curbed by the government on its own. In light of this realisation, the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) the highest-level multisectoral partnership body in South Africa, was established in 2000. Chaired by the Deputy President, its objectives include providing leadership, building consensus around HIV and AIDS policy and strategy matters, promoting intersectoral collaboration and overseeing the overall implementation and review of the National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS.

Local Government in Uganda.
Author: Frederick Golooba Mutebi

Modern local government in Uganda traces its origins to British colonial rule. As it consolidated its hold on the territory, the colonial administration decided to introduce good government and ensure effectiveness and efficiency in administration by establishing elected local councils.

Volume 9, Issue 3, June/July 2007
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 11 Oct, 2017
HIV and AIDS: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality's Response.
Author: Marije Versteeg

HIV&AIDS is much more than a health problem. It is a developmental challenge that affects local government in various ways. in the last issue, we looked at how municipalities can apply the concept of mainstreaming as a strategic way to address this enormous challenge and Ethekwini Metro shared their experience and lesson learnt.

Legal Briefs:
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)

When Does A Councillor Vacate Office Mid-Term?

Local Government in Nigeria.
Author: Dr Habu Galadima

The Federal Republic of Nigeria, with a population of about 140 million, is not only Africa's most populous state but also one of the largest federations in the world. The history and development of its local government is a direct consequence of British colonial history.

Local Government Under the Spotlight: DPLG's Policy Review Process
Author: Dr Jaap de visser

On 31 July 2007, the Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG) initiated a policy review process of provincial and local government. It will ultimately result in a first White Paper on Provinces and a discussion document on local government. The process will be a national debate, comprising a public participation process, research and a review of experience.

Name Changing of Towns: Public Participation At the Forefront Once More.
Author: Annette Christmas

The Supreme Court of Appeal recently examined the processes surrounding the changing of town names and the extent to which they must facilitate public consultation in the case of Chairpersons Association v The Minister of Arts and Culture , the Chairman of the South African Geographical Names Council and the Municipality of Makhado. This is to be distinguished from the changing of names of municipalities in terms of section 16 of the Municipal Systems Act.

The Housing Dilemma: Reviewing Local Governmnt Functions.
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

An essential part of the current review of government structures is evaluating the success of local government in meetings its constitutional obligations to citizens. Key to the current review of structures is the extent to which powers and functions designated enable it to meet its developmental mandate. This article proposes a model for analysing which functions should be performed by local government and applies this model to housing. It concludes that the location of housing as a national/provincial function competency needs to be revisited.

The Challenges of Urbanisation: Single Tier Local Government For Urban Areas.
Author: Nico Steytler

The growing importance of cities not only in South Africa but also around the world is well captured in the 2006 Cities Network Report as follows: "Cities are simultaneously the most productive sites in the national economy as well as areas that accommodate the largest number of poor people, cities are strategically important places for meeting the governments growth and development agenda."

Where to Now With District Municipalites? Redefining Their Role and Application.
Author: Nico Steytler

The debate about district municipalities- their performance and their future is widespread. Some critics question whether districts have served their function. Others contend strongly that they should be disestablished. In the debate. This argument for redefining the role of districts is not based on the current capacity problems or adjustments to the new system, it is more systematic than that.

Volume 9, Issue 2, April/May 2007
Author: MLGA(Community Law Centre)
Published: 10 Oct, 2017
Are District Municipalities Still Relevant?
Author: Dr Vuyo Mlokoti

A lot of talk and discussion documents have been making the rounds in the past two or three years about the imminent restructuring of the state machinery and the review of provinces. Yet little or nothing is said about the inevitable question: What is the future of district municipalities?

Global City Regions: International Perspectives
Author: Nico Steytler

Gauteng is claimed to be a "global city region". What does this mean? The City region refers to an area comprised of more than city or urban node- a metropolitan region. The term "global" refers to a city region which is connected in a series of networks with the global economy. As a global economic hub, a city region competes with other global economic hubs for capital and resources. The question is then, how can the region compete more effectively with other global city regions.

Local Government and Decentralisation in Cameroon.
Author: Dr Soren David

As far back as 1986, the President of Cameroon acknowledged the need to introduce decentralisation in order to make the people aware of their responsibilities and develop their sense of participation. Little was implemented in this regard until the end of the century. Even the emergence of an opposition movement st the end of the Cold War resulted in no more than gradual changes.

Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan.
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

Over the past few years, municipalities have become acquainted with the three key instruments for strategic management. First, the integrated development plan (IDP) sets out the municipality's key priorities and objectives for the medium and long term. Second, the IDP is implemented through the municipal budget, which allocates resources to the priorities of the IDP for the financial year and two years thereafter. Third, the municipality monitors its performance on the priorities objectives of the IDP through its performance management system. So where does the the service delivery and budget implementation plan (SDBIP) fit in? The introduction of another instrument accompanied by procedures and legal requirements can easily make local government practitioners sceptical or obsessed with compliance. This article makes a case foR viewing the SDBIP from a common-sense perspectives rather than a legal-compliance perspective only.