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DOI-UCT Seminar Invite 21 May 2018 DOI-UCT Seminar Invite 21 May 2018

Building a capable developmental state is a core priority in South Africa's National Development Plan, and a capable local sphere of government is a cornerstone of that goal. This year, 2018 marks the 20th Anniversary of the adoption of the White Paper on Local Government which gave effect to the new dispensation for democratic local government in our constitution.

Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #4 - grievances of protesters Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #4  - grievances of protesters

The Civic Protest Barometer (CPB) tracks civic protests across South Africa, which are a specific form of protest, directed at municipalities. While nationally the number of civic protests in 2017 reached the lowest level in three years (CPB 2018 Fact Sheet #1 (nr of protests), the pattern shown in the type of grievances underlying the civic protests is consistent with that established in earlier CPBs.

Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #3 - Violence in Protests Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #3  - Violence in Protests

The Civic Protest Barometer (CPB) tracks civic protests across South Africa, which are a specific form of protest, directed at municipalities. While nationally the number of civic protests in 2017 reached the lowest level in three years (CPB 2018 Fact Sheet #1 (no. of protes

Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #2 - Geographic Spread Civic Protest Barometer 2018 FactSheet #2  - Geographic Spread

The Civic Protest Barometer tracks civic protests across South Africa, which are a specific form of protest, directed at municipalities. While nationally the number of civic protests in 2017 reached the lowest level in three years (CPB 2018 Fact Sheet #1 (no. of protests), there has been a fair degree of fluctuation in the number of protests in each province.

The Capable Cities Index Working (Paper Series) - Two Measuring the Capacity of Cities The Capable Cities Index Working (Paper Series) -  Two Measuring the Capacity of Cities

The Capable Cities Index (CCI) provides a methodology for measuring and ranking the capability of South Africa’s municipalities on the basis of their consistency in maintaining high levels of capacity, performance and compliance, with a focus on the 27 largest cities. Local government generally, and the major cities in particular, are crucial actors in the country’s development and in building a capable state in line with the National Development Plan (NDP).

Implementing SPLUMA: A Review of Four 'Post-SPLUMA' Provincial Planning Bills Implementing SPLUMA: A Review of Four 'Post-SPLUMA'  Provincial Planning Bills

The legal framework for spatial planning and land use management in South Africa is undergoing considerable change with a new national Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act of 2013 (SPLUMA) and the adoption of municipal planning by-laws throughout the country. The Constitution permits provinces to also pass laws on the matter. Of the nine provinces, the Western Cape is the only province that has passed 'post-SPLUMA' provincial legislation. This report conducts an interim assessment of how some of the other provinces are approaching this issue. It analyses four provincial planning bills of Mpumalanga, North West, Free State and Limpopo.

ESR Review, Volume 18 No.2, 2017 ESR Review,  Volume 18  No.2,  2017

This second issue of the 2017 ESR Review includes two features, one explores if the Sustainable Development Goals are human rights-based and the other looks at the link between fundamental, elementary, primary and basic education. There is also an insightful interview with Professor Sandra Liebenberg.

Electing Councillors: a Guide to Municipal Elections Electing Councillors: a Guide to Municipal Elections

This manual outlines the electoral system for local government in South Africa. It deals with the right to vote, the different categories of municipalities, ward and PR councillors, how to field candidates, by-elections, conduct during elections as well as the calculation of results. It is a detailed manual, designed to assist civil society organisations, the media and electoral officers.