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Ending Corporal And Other Forms Of Humiliating Punishment Of Children - French Ending Corporal And Other Forms Of Humiliating Punishment Of Children - French

Below is a submission to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child made by a wide range of NGOs from across the African continent on the particular issue of protecting children from all forms of corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment. The submission is available in English AND French.

Ending Corporal And Other Forms Of Humiliating Punishment Of Children - English

Below is a submission to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child made by a wide range of NGOs from across the African continent on the particular issue of protecting children from all forms of corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment. The submission is available in English AND French.

Press Release: ICESCR Campaign welcomes the South African Human Rights Commission hearings on water and sanitation - 13 March 2012

The Campaign Group for South Africa’s ratification of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and its Optional Protocol (OP-ESCR) applauds the South African Human Rights Commission on its initiative to hold public hearings on the right to adequate water and sanitation in commemoration of Human Rights month. Recent events across the country including incidents in Makhaza (Khayelitsha, Cape Town) and Rammulotsi Township (Viljoenskroon, Free State) have emphasized the need for government to reassess its commitments towards the promotion and protection of socio-economic rights guaranteed under the Constitution. These incidents are a reminder that despite the constitutional provisions and rich jurisprudence in relation to socioeconomic rights, and the relative wealth of a minority, a significant number of South Africans continue to be denied access to the basic needs of life.

ESR Review Volume 13 No 1 - 2012 ESR Review Volume 13 No 1 - 2012

This is the first ESR issue of 2012. This issue focuses on gender mainstreaming, racial inequality, the link between access to socio-economic rights and the right to dignity, as well as the application of international standards and norms in South Africa’s domestic case law.

ESR Review Volume 12 No 4 - December 2011 ESR Review Volume 12 No 4 - December 2011

This is the fourth issue of the ESR Review for 2011. Its articles discuss various areas of socio-economic rights, with a particular emphasis on how they relate to women’s lives. In an acknowledgment of the importance of women’s rights, Michelle Bachelet, the Under- Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, emphasises that ‘where laws and justice systems work well, they can provide an essential mechanism for women to realise their human rights. However, it also underscores the fact that, despite widespread guarantees of equality, the reality for many millions of women is that justice remains out of reach’ (UN progress report of the world’s women 2011– 2012, In pursuit of justice).

ESR Review Volume 12 No 3 - 2011 ESR Review Volume 12 No 3 - 2011

This is the third issue of the ESR Review for 2011. It is a special issue that focuses on and explores the interplay between access to socio-economic rights in the context of persons with disabilities and the needs of persons with disabilities to have economic and social security.