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ESR Review Volume 14, No. 1, 2013 ESR Review Volume 14, No. 1, 2013

This first issue of the ESR Review for 2013 focuses on the Millennium Development Goals. As they draw near, recent debate has focused on the post-­2015 agenda.

Press Release: Socio-economic rights optional protocol heralds a new dawn in the enforcement of these rights - 3 May 2013

The coming into force today of the OP-ICESCR marks the beginning of a new dawn in the enforcement of socio-economic rights at the international level, with consequential positive impacts at the national level. According to Prof. Lilian Chenwi, Associate Professor at the Wits School of Law, the OP-ICESCR “would encourage State parties to ensure more effective local remedies for socio-economic rights violations”. The Campaign for South Africa’s Ratification of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, joins other civil society groups and human rights advocates across the world in celebrating the entry into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR).

ESR Review, Volume 13 No 3, 2012 ESR Review, Volume 13 No 3, 2012

The third issue of the ESR Review focusses on the impact of corruption within Africa that contributes to poverty and unemployment and denial of access to housing and health-care services. There are also summaries of recent developments on socio-economic rights across the world.

Press Release: South Africa to ratify international socio-economic rights covenant - 12 October 2012

South African Human Rights Groups welcome Cabinet’s approval of South Africa’s ratification of the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Almost eighteen years after the South African government signed the ICESCR, Cabinet has approved that South Africa will ratify the ICESCR. This important decision to ratify, which means that the ICESCR will be legally binding, was included in a statement issued yesterday on Cabinet’s ordinary meeting held in Pretoria on 10 October 2012. The Cabinet statement describes how the ICESCR is a “key international treaty which seeks to encourage State Parties to address challenges of inequality, unemployment and poverty, which are critical to the strategic goals of governments.”

ESR Review, Volume 13 No 2, 2012 ESR Review, Volume 13 No 2, 2012

This second issue of 2012 focusses on monitoring of state performance relating to the realisation of social and economic rights using the Social and Economic Rights Fulfilment Index, an interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights and updates on the recent ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers 2011, and the International Labour Organisation Social Protection Floors Recommendation 2012.