ACJR Publications

This section contains ACJR publications and those of CSPRI (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative), its predecessor.
RESEARCH REPORT: The Prosecution Service and the Provinces RESEARCH REPORT: The Prosecution Service and the Provinces

This paper explores the relationship between the provinces and the NPA by looking at the legal framework as well as a few case studies and examples of cooperation that have emerged. Recommendations are made for a way forward. Report by Lukas Muntingh

Op-ed: Inadequate and violent policing in KwaZulu-Natal: What's behind it?

KwaZulu-Natal has long suffered from inadequate, corrupt and violent policing. Recent events have simply made it more obvious. The problem of policing in the province dates from before the transition to democracy. Policing is a national function - in South Africa is in crisis and in KwaZulu-Natal the crisis is magnified, writes Jean Redpath.